Entries by Arnie Singer

Blogging is NOT Just About the Writing

I recently came across a question on Quora which got me thinking about what content marketing, specifically blogging, really consists of. The question was something like, “how much will it cost me to hire a writer to write a blog post for my business?” There were a few responses with answers containing prices ranging from […]

6 Tips to Getting Your Business Emails Opened

Email is clearly an indispensable marketing tool for getting your message in front of your intended audience. But getting your email into your target’s email box is only half the battle. The more important, and more much challenging, task is to get them to actually open and read your email. Whether your sending cold emails […]

3 Ways Blogging Can Generate Leads for Your Company

In a recent post entitled Why the economics of blogging are diminishing on Mark Schaefer’s popular blog, author Mars Dorian explains why he feels that blogging doesn’t yield the same level of return it did in the good old days (around 5 years go!). Referring to his own blogging he says, Back in 2009, it was a useful […]

Are You Sure Your B2B Needs Social Media Marketing?

In a recent post titled The first step in social media marketing is not social media, Mark Schaefer recounts a conversation he had with a young marketing manager of a B2B manufacturing company. The manager was overwhelmed with where to begin his social media marketing efforts. So he decided to simply dive in and start by creating […]

Mobile Responsive Does NOT Equal Mobile Effective

There’s a huge amount of anxiety in anticipation of Google’s new algorithm change scheduled for April 21st, which is meant to make it easier for mobile users to find mobile friendly sites. In other words, mobile friendly sites will get a boost in mobile search ranking over their non mobile friendly competitors. According to this […]

Is Social Media Marketing Automation Bad for Your Business?

I’m a big fan of automating any task that will save me time, as long as it doesn’t negatively effect quality or results. One of the obvious candidates for successful automation is social media marketing. Depending on your type of business you’re probably using at least 2 or 3 social media platforms to distribute content […]

Are You Still Renting Your Website? You Should Consider Buying.

The concept of “renting a website” might seem strange at first. Renting an apartment makes sense. But renting a website? Why would anyone do that? Well, many small businesses are renting their websites instead of owning them. There are companies that specialize in renting websites to accountants, lawyers and many other professional and business services providers. […]